Author: otmseo

Federal Criminal Defense – Child Pornography Charges in Missouri

May 4, 2021

If you’ve been charged with a federal sex crime, it could lead to hefty fines and long prison sentences if convicted. Generally, any individual who possesses, produces, sells, or distributes materials that depict minors under 18 years old sexually, can be charged under Title 18 U.S. Code § 2252. The use, production, and distribution of […]

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What Are The Federal Sentencing Guidelines?

April 27, 2021

If you’ve recently been charged with a federal crime in Missouri, you are likely curious about the federal sentencing guidelines and how they will affect your case. The federal sentencing guidelines are a collection of rules that attempt to create a uniform sentencing policy for people convicted of federal crimes.  It’s important to note that […]

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What Are Federal Wire Fraud Crimes?

April 20, 2021

Federal wire fraud crimes in Jefferson City are taken very seriously. Wire fraud is committed when a person voluntarily and intentionally defrauds or attempts to defraud someone while using an interstate communication device (like a cell phone) to further their scheme.  If you’ve been charged with federal wire fraud crimes, it’s in your best interest […]

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