Author: otmseo

Is it Rape if Both Parties Are Drunk? 

April 12, 2022

Suppose two people meet on a popular dating app and decide their first meeting should be at a bar. They eat and drink together, so much so that both parties get drunk. One thing leads to another, and they have sex.  In this case, if both parties were drunk when they agreed to have sex, […]

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Hit And Run Charges in Missouri 

April 5, 2022

If you’re charged with a hit-and-run offense in Missouri, you could be facing serious penalties. It’s typically in your best interest to consult with a hit-and-run lawyer as soon as possible.  A hit and run accident conviction could lead to:  A class A misdemeanor, class E felony offense, or class D felony if a death […]

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Fraud And Identity Theft Charges 

March 29, 2022

 Most identity theft charges are handled on the state level. However, depending on the nature of the crime, it may be a federal offense. With that in mind, Missouri legislatures and law enforcement agencies take fraud and identity theft charges seriously.  Individuals convicted for identify theft may face jail time, fines, restitution payments, probation, and […]

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